Campaigns Consultation Infrastructure Low Traffic Neighbourhoods Play Streets School Streets

Moving Traffic Offences: What are our councils’ game-changing new powers?

Since 31 May 2022, local authorities in England outside of London have been able to apply to the Secretary of State for new powers to enforce ‘moving traffic offences’. This means they can be granted powers that have previously been held only by the police and will be able to issue fines to drivers for […]

Bee Network Campaigns Cycling Events Infrastructure Public Transport Walk Ride subgroups Walking

Local Groups Update: New Group for Gatley, Pedestrian Crossings Priority, Election Results + more

Warm Welcome to Walk Ride Gatley We’re delighted to reveal our newest group within the Walk Ride family, Walk Ride Gatley. You can meet them and share your ideas on how to improve the community together, as well as signing up to their mailing list and getting involved directly with future activities, by visiting their […]

Surveys Walk Ride subgroups

Stockport 2023 elections candidate questionnaire

It’s election season in Stockport, and with all seats up for grabs it’s a crucial moment for the future of the borough. Stockport’s Walk Ride groups have prepared the following questions and sent them to all candidates. We will add their replies to this page as they arrive.

Campaigns Cycling Events Walk Ride subgroups Walking

Local Groups Update: Wins for Walk Ride Blackley, Active Travel Commissioner Visits Whalley Range School Street + more

Welcome to our latest round-up of selected activities and neighbourhood successes achieved by our local Walk Ride group volunteers. Walk Ride Blackley Walk into the Weekend Friday 10 March was the very first ‘Walk into the Weekend’. Initiated by the Walk Ride Blackley team, the idea is to walk as a group from local schools […]

Campaigns Walk Ride subgroups Walking

News: Walk Ride Blackley Helps Secure Safer Steps in Blackley Forest, Launches 20’s Plenty Petition for Blackley Village + More

Walk Ride Blackley has been very active lately in pursuit of healthier, safer, better neighbourhoods to live in. Blackley Forest Steps After successful campaigning, new steps have been unveiled at Blackley Forest. Previously unstable and unsafe (see below), the steps are now fortified with brand new nosing to make sure they’re accessible for more of […]

Bee Network Campaigns Cycling Events Infrastructure Public Transport Walk Ride subgroups Walking

Review: Destination Bee Network

On Tuesday 31 January, Walk Ride Greater Manchester hosted a Q&A session with Mayor Andy Burnham, Active Travel Commissioner Dame Sarah Storey, and Transport Commissioner Vernon Everitt, followed by a Walk Ride GM campaign update. Introduced by Claire and chaired by Helen, the event attracted a sell-out crowd, with standing room only in the venue […]


Want to help make change? Join our steering group!

Do you want to see a greater shift to walking or cycling across Greater Manchester? Do you wish to get more involved in actively making change? Do you want to be part of a group of like minds? Do you have connections and skills that you would like to use to help make change? Walk […]

Campaigns Walking

Call to Action: Let’s Put Pedestrians First at Crossings

December 2022 has seen temperatures sink far below zero. With priority being given to gritting roads rather than pavements, this creates hazardous walking environments for people not using a car to make their daily trips to school, shops, and work. Cock-eyed British priorities. I must have missed the consultation on this. — Bicycle-Riding Motorist […]

Cycling Events Infrastructure

Review: A Cycling Infrastructure Safari

Words: Ian Pennington, RTPI Young Planners Vice Chair It’s been called the single most important thing that mayors can do to tackle climate change: prioritising the needs of pedestrians and cyclists over space for cars. In Greater Manchester, the active travel network – originally coined as the ‘Bee Network’, a moniker that has since also […]

Cycling Infrastructure Play Streets School Streets Walking

Get Involved With the Brand New Annual Walk Ride GM Awards

Slowly but surely, steps are being taken across Greater Manchester to help make walking and cycling safer, easier and more attractive. And now, we’re aiming to support, champion, and encourage the best bits: Announcing… The Annual Walk Ride GM Awards Let’s celebrate the positive movement that’s happening en route to a connected network, highlight the […]

Campaigns Play Streets School Streets

Why it’s time for more focus, funding and ambition on safer travel to school

We believe that now is the time for travel to and from school, and young people’s journeys, to become a central part of our city and regional transport & place-making plans.    While we are starting to see some welcome positive steps – it’s vital we make young people a more central part of the […]

Campaigns Infrastructure Walking

The Greater Manchester Pedestrian Manifesto

Many agree that the status quo is far from pedestrian-friendly in the Greater Manchester city-region. Often these are political choices about the allocation of our public realm to different modes of transport – large portions of this public space is given over to vehicles, with pedestrians kettled to one side. Walking 🚶is one of the […]