Bee Network Cycling Events Infrastructure Walking

Urge Your Councillors to Attend a Bee Network Workshop on 18 September

Greater Manchester Councillors have been invited to attend a Bee Network workshop on Wednesday 18 September and TfGM have asked for residents to persuade their councillors to attend.

The workshop is to allow councillors the opportunity to learn more about active neighbourhoods and what support is available for community-led initiatives to introduce them, taking their lead from the successful Levenshulme Bee Network bid.

The invitation is exclusively for councillors and has gone out to all in Greater Manchester – but some may not attend.

There is an opportunity for Greater Manchester residents and WalkRide groups to encourage your ward councillors and executive members to develop skills and knowledge that can help to engage local people in the Bee Network plans and to demonstrate support for schemes which prioritise active travel over motorised transport.

TfGM recognises that too often the most vocal are the objectors to cycling and walking schemes. This makes it difficult for councillors to support bold, innovative schemes which are outside of the norm.

The event features speakers, including Pauline Johnstone, Peter O’Hare and Cllr Dzidra Noor, who were instrumental to the Levenshulme bid, and exercises led by the Bee Network team, which will provide ideas on how to engage local people in the Bee Network process and how to design attractive neighbourhoods that are accessible for all people.

Click here to download the 18th September invite to pass on to your local councillors.

One reply on “Urge Your Councillors to Attend a Bee Network Workshop on 18 September”

Is it too late for me to attend the Bee Network Workshop tomorrow evening? I tried to register via the link but was too late and just wondered whether I would still be able to attend.

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